Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Never alone

I am never alone.

Today ends the retreat I have had for the last several days.  Me and the cats, I am house sitting for, have enjoyed every moment of our solitude.  There was an associational phone call.  But then our phone went silent.   I spent endless hours setting out on the enclosed pouched that is surrounded by bushes and trees.
Not once did either one of the cats complain about the natural state I was in.  All though they where not allowed to set on my lap because their kneading of my flash was a little painful.  I love that these beautiful being are free to come and go as they please.
Today as I prepare to journey on my way I sat for awhile and thought over solitude I had been in.  Walking by the bushes I gave them thanks for being with me. The trees for the gifts of fruit they had provided.  The wind and the rain for carrying so may messages.  Even the ice that had formed in the lid of a trash can for the crystal reflection that shined from the refracted light.  This beautiful structure I sleep in and the warmth and comfort it provided.
Then my inner core began it’s giggle.  Solitude what is solitude have you ever word cleared solitude. Not really I have always thought it to mean being alone.  As I am giggling I hear Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ say to me You have never been alone you have always been with us.  OK, so now it’s time to word clear solitude.

When I went to the dictionary on line it gave three definitions:  1. state of being alone, separated from other people.  2. remoteness, a quality of quiet remoteness or seclusion in places from which human activity is generally absent.  3. lonely place, a remote or uninhabited place.

I decide that my personal definition for solitude: 1. a place I go to be still and full contacted to source. It can be in nature, or in my bedroom, or a place that is with in.  I am not alone but more aware of the connection to every thing that I am present to.  2. being more intoned and open to the Giver of All.  3. being still and know I AM ONE. 

Be well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

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