Monday, January 31, 2011

I know what I know

Last night I assisted at the Landmark Forum and got a review. One of my favorite secessions is: knowing what I know,  knowing what I don’t know, and knowing that I don’t know what I don’t know. When I first heard this in Landmark Education I had to shake my head and say, What?
Then an example was given. I do not remember what that example was so here is one of my own. I know that I know how to cook a great bean soup.  I know that I don’t know how to fly an airplane.  But there is a whole world of things that I don’t even know that is out there.  Like when Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha introduced me to Fred Wolf book “Quantum Theory”.  I had never heard of Fred Wolf.   
When you take this theory a little deeper there are parts of our very being we have not had accuse to.  There is a part of each of us we keep hid.  Sometimes even from our self.  Many of the tradition that I have learned have brought me deeper into a knowing that there is more to everyone then meets the eye. This is something that I have always known, but mediation has given me clearer access to my own and others hidden areas.  Sometimes in vision you receive what is called a message.  It’s like seeing a story played out that has not yet happened yet. When this happens you maybe open to area of life that you or the person you are working with have no clear knowledge of.  You are taking a walk in the, don’t know you don’t know world. I have to be very still to go to these places.

 I love the chant “Be still and know I am one”. The first time I chanted there was a meaning that can to me. It meant that I needed to be quiet to get in touch with my self.  As I contended to chant the meaning changed to being quiet I could know the I AM/God.   Now I chant “Be still and know I Am One” equates with being in oneness with The ALL of ALL of US. My knowing keeps changing.  This expands the knowing of the chant into knowing what I didn’t know I didn’t know.

So what’s in your life that you know you know what’s in your life that you know you don’t know and what’s out there that you don’t know you don’t know and are you open to getting access to the area of your being?  Go out and be deliberate in your action and see what comesJ

Be well
“WE are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jayden day four Creating our day

Jayden day four  creating our day:

Jayden and I had an adventure in his home today.  The sun was shining and it was in the 70degree range outside.  I wanted to be outside all day.  The housing complex where Jayden lives is not conducive to that.  So Jayden and I did the next best thing.

Off of the living room behind a set of sliding glass door is a 4’X8’ screened in porch.  Mostly it is used to store extra stuff.  Well Jayden and I went to work.  We re-arranged the stuff into a neat little pile.  We washed down the table and wiped off the chairs.  We explored the different ways we could put the things we wanted to use.  Then we opened up the sliding glass door and extended the living room into our outdoor paradise. 

I don’t know if Jayden had more fun washing things down or pointing out where the sun was and showing GGmeme the airplanes as they passed by.  I do know that he enjoyed it so much he started moving his toys out of his bedroom on to the porch.  Then grabbed his blanket and pillow and laid down in the sun to take his nap.

 GGmeme loves it because the apartment is on the second floor and there is a giant oak tree in the middle of the court yard.  Jayden and I are in a tree house all day long!! We have natural Sun to warm us and brighten our day.  There are birds that sing to us. We have more connect to Nature and this is one of my passions. To be in nature and rejuvenate the soul.

When Mom and Dad got home they both said what a great ideal.  This little porch opened to the living room made there home so much bigger and brighter with the shades opened. They started making plans to take care of the stuff and provide a space they could all use together.

I heard a poem from Maya Angelo where she said, Life is not in the breath we take it is in the moments that take our breath away. Seeing Jayden laying in the sun and smiling at me took my breath away.

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ has shared with us that we create our day in the action we take.
Today Jayden and I created a space of fun in the sun!

Be well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jayden preparing for Birthday celebration tomorrow

Jayden preparing for Birthday celebration tomorrow:

Preparing for Jayden’s birthday celebration Mom and Dad are working to create something fantastic.  My question was why?  Jayden likes simple things like running around and being chased.  .  He likes to dig in the sand and plant his cars.  He like finger food likes Cheerios and apple pieces to eat he drinks apple juice and milk. He loves to toast with his cup before drinking. What, a delightful birthday celebration this would be. Jayden’s birthday celebration is not mine to create.
This is a time for me to introduced Jayden to a new tradition.  This tradition was shared with me by my Elder Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’.  This tradition is to celebrate the on who gave you birth on your birthday.  On the day of Jayden’s birth we sent Mommy flowers of appreciation for having carried us into this life time and for all she does everyday for us.
In this time of preparation and sharing of traditions I take time for great appreciation of those in my life.  The lessons that Jayden teaches me are valuable beyond measure.   The joy of being in his presence everyday sharing a time of laughter takes my being to new leaves of love.  Creating a day filled with the wonderment that a two year old has over a leaf on the ground or the sand on a sidewalk.  The joy he has being chased around the same area over and over till he drops from exhaustion, just to get up and pull my finger to chase him again. When he crawls up on my lap and lays his head up on my breast wraps his little arms around me and falls fast to sleep as I gentle rub his back.  These are the gifts that Jayden gives me.  There are no words to express these delight only actions of gratitude to Mom and Dad for sharing this precious gift with me.

Be Well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day two with Jayden

Day two with Jayden:

“Everyday is an adventure.  When it stops I am ready to get off this merry-go-round and buy a ticket on another.” Marylois

Jayden and I are exploring the bonders of each other.  We are not use to this gift. This is so great!  On day two we went out into the world to do some shopping and banking.  He sat in his car seat and I turned to talk to him at every stop light.  Jayden would smile and talk to me in a langue only he remembers the mean of.  Every once in a while he and I would connect. Mostly he has learned to point and show you what he means to communicate.  I love it.  At two years old he demands you become apart of his worlds.

When we got to the store I asked him if he wanted to ride in the cart. He said yes and I smile because things were going so well.  Then I went to move away from the cart to pick up nail polish remover.  Opps!  As I bending down and my head did a slight jerk.  Jayden had laced his fingers into my braid. (Which I wear over my shoulder and it is about waist length). He smiled as I looked him straight in the eyes and said, “what are you doing?)   With out any words I knew. He had made sure that GGmeme was not going anywhere without him. 
When we went to visit great uncle Chuck, (Jayden’s first time meeting him),  Jayden once again laced his fingers through my hair.  This made it a little difficult to make lunch for us.  But it made him feel good and me feel good too.

For this day Jayden’s and my bounders are as long as my braid.  And that is great some day he will not want to play with GG meme hair and we will have formed a different bond.  This life circle that Jayden and I are in has no beginning and no end.

In the quiet of writing this blog the voice a Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ is sing in the winds.  Life is a cycle a cycle is a circle and in a circle every thing returns to where it began.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



As a child I heard that Grace was undeserved love. Later in life I was told Grace is the infinite love, mercy, favor, and goodwill given to us from God and that only through repentance could you receive Grace.
Now I am older and have had many discussions on the subject of Grace.  There is a knowing that comes into your being over time.  In this knowing there is clarity.  My clarity about Grace is that it is there always has been always will be.  I do not need to earn it or do any acts of repences to receive it. I need only be open to the gift of love that is shared with me each and every moment and be grateful for it.

Even though I greet the dawn and watch as the beautiful ray pike over the horizon I am still in ahh every time.  Today I was driving as the Sun comes over the horizon.  The darkness parts and the sky begin to lighten.  If the moon is full some times you can not see the changes in the sky right away.  But this morning the moon was at half, it is between the phase of full and new.  The clouds had been thick and only a light glow picks through the sky.  To my lift going across the long bridge of Tampa bay my attention is drawn to the gray shade turning lighter and lighter.  I pull my car over to watch.  The excitement of dawns early light fills me.  The gift of this wonderful act of creation allows me a time of grace and I enjoy the moment.

Later on in the morning I the Sun shines again for me as my two year old Great Grandson picks his beautiful little face around the coroner to say hi GGmeme.(Or at least that is what I hear him say.) More evidence that Grace is present all the time we only need be open to it.

In my reoccurring world grace and grateful occupy the same space.  This is something to pounder as you live your day in grace grateful for every moment.

Be Well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

Monday, January 24, 2011

The profound message left on the cup

The profound message left on the Cup:
Many years ago in upstate New York we had a group of young men,(nine) plus our own two sons, all staying in our house.  We had a small three bedroom house and an additional room in the basement These wonderful young men stayed with us for 2 days while participating in a church weekend.  There where bodies everywhere and with one bathroom we had to schedule everything.  On Sunday morning each person got up and with synchronized precision got through their baths and ate a good hot meal.  When the last car load of young people pulled out of the drive I did a quick inventory to make sure that nothing was left behind.  I entered the room in the basement and on the end stand there was a coffee cup I did not recognize.  I walked over to pick it up there was a saying written on the one side and beautiful flowers all around it.  I began reading the cup.  This is what was printed on it.

“The Difference”
I got up early one morning and rushed right into my day;
I had so much to accomplish I didn’t have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me and grew heavier with each task.
Why doesn’t God help me, I wondered; He answered, “You didn’t ask.
I wanted to see joy and beauty, But the day toiled on, gray and bleak;
I wonder why God didn’t show me. He said, “You didn’t seek.”
I tried to come into God’s presence; I used all my Keys at the lock;
God gently and lovingly chided, “My child you didn’t knock.”
I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.
By Grace L. Naessens

This coffee cup was left with a beautiful note thanking me for being a kind and loving hostess.  The young men who stayed that weekend felt at home and they where looking forward to a return invitation.
 For over 15 years I drank my morning coffee from this cup.  It reminded to take time to pray. And not just out of habit. Until one day I returned home and the cup had broken.  It was OK because long ago the words had worn off.  I don’t have to be reminded to pray.  It was more then a habit it was a choice.

Over the years I have extended my morning prayer to include the prayer, Beauty Way and other traditions including those of my Elder Pa’Ris’Ha’ Taylor . This has made a profound difference  in my life because I choose  to take the time to pray.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Be well
“WE are all one together”

Sunday, January 23, 2011

In the face of no agreement

In the face of no agreement I walk up on this land.  In the face of no agreement I love with all I have.
In the face of no agreement I give to all I can.  In the face of no agreement I see beauty in everyone.
In the face of no agreement I am complete and whole.  In the face of no agreement I
am I AM.

Addressing this conversation is my face of no agreement is all there is for me as I share the face of no agreement with all.

Be Well
“We are one together”
Rev Marylois

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Signs from the Animal Kingdom

More and more it is being report by news sources all over the world that the animal kingdom is dying in large numbers. Not like the way they have gone into extension by mankind’s hands. We have seen the graphic photos of whole pods of whales or dolphins beaching themselves, schools of fish in the 1000’s laying on the surface of the water or large flocks of birds falling from the sky all over the roads.
What is the meaning of this?
The science community tells us that it is due to weather condition or pollution in the air or water.
There are also those that run around like Chicken Little predicting the sky is falling there is no hope of survival.  They believe that these deaths are a sign of the distraction of the world.
There are those who preach about mankind being punished for there evil ways.  They have turned away from God. This is a warning to change your evil ways or be dammed by our own doing.
By looking at the meaning that many have put on this occurrence many see this as an ugly tragic event. These events are of concern for many there are also different meanings.
I remember a resent visit to North Caroline I was talking with a wonderful child.  She was asked if there was one thing that you could tell the adults of the world what that would be. She said in the wisdom of an ancient “If it does not feel good it is not God”. This remind me of Grandmother Pa’Ris’ha saying often where is God not?  When one hears the truth it is sweet and freeing. This is how I strive to live my life. I had trouble with all the reasons listed above being all there was to the sacrifice the animals where giving. I had not heard the rest of the story.  
It’s not that all of the reasons that are being given are not valued to those who believe them. For many of us our world accorders that God is every where. When a sacrifice is given from the animal world it is not senseless. There is meaning. Yes a warring. Not necessarily of glum and dome. This could be of changes that we can chose to make and changes that are coming.  While we are waiting to figure this all out, giving great appreciation to the Giver of All Things and being still while listening to the inner voice of God helps.   
Today one of my Face book friends sent this quote out
“When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again.
They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.”
~ Hopi Prophecy
Where is God not!!!!!!
Be well
“We are all one together”
Rev Marylois

Friday, January 21, 2011

"We are all one together"

“Everyone has a story.”
“Use your life for teaching!”
“Everyone teaches”

Quotes from many of the mentors of our times,  Maya Angelo, Pa’Ris’Ha’ Taylor’, Bereniece Andrews, Oprah Winfrey, Marylois R. Schott, and so many others say the same thing and I don’t hear a separation between any of the goodness they share. “We are all one together”!

There is a gift each of us has.  In our unique individuality we are all saying the same thing.  How we say it is what is important.  The power of our words is what each one of us remembers.  We give life to the words that pass over our lips.  We own what we say by living in example.  “We are all one together”.

This is nothing new, however communication has take place, even before we had oral transmissions there was communication. Gestures or observation are the same thing different context but a way that we shared a thought or a remembrance. We pointed out the story of our life or warned of our perceived dangers.  This was our way of connecting with others we perceived outside of our self.  “We are all one Together”.

We use our life to teach others what the story that we have lived.  We are the teachers of this life time and “We are all one together”.

Be well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Celbration of the Moon 1 20 2011

Celebration of the Moon:

The moon cycles have great meaning for many.
In an agricultural society crops are plant based on the cycles of the moon. A famer knew by the position of the moon when to plant and when to harvest.  The spring moon is a time for planting and the fall moon a time for harvest.  Soil preparation was done during the waning of the moon, (Waning: to show a decreasing illuminated surface between a full moon and new moon. Decrease in size, power, or intensity). All was readied for the planting during the waxing of the moon, (Waxing: to show an increasing illuminated surface of the moon, new moon to full).

There was a time when a woman’s menstrual cycle would also be charted around the cycle of the moon. Most women had their cycle during the full moon.  This was a time of respect and tradition that woman honored each other during. It is a time of high power and strength as a woman peaks and comes into her flow.  Women of indigenes cultures knew that to conceive a child during the fall moon would gave the child a better change to survive the cold of winter the fallowing year. This is also the flow of creation amongst all natures’ creatures.

For me to honor the cycles of the moon is a gift I get to give in gratitude.  The preparation for the celebration depends on the phases of the Moon. The new moon is the time to start new projects. The preparation for new projects takes place after the Full moon. Just like the famers planting cycle. In the time after the new moon every thing is moving forward and crescendos with the Full moon.

Last night was full moon.  Wow!  What a gift!  How powerful the silver beams flow form the full bright illumined sphere shining from the heavens. There where the rays that where dancing across the waters of Tampa bay.  Then around midnight night as I stepped out to moon bath Grandfather Moon was in cased is the mist of the Ancients.  The shadows of the Ancients moved quickly across the face of Grandfather Moon.  At first I thought there was a genial rain on my face.  Then I realized that it was the thickness of mist, the Ancients, that where completely surrounding me.  As I open the blanket to ground to the energies of the earth I was engulfed with  their loving embarrass. This was a gift from the loving Ancients.  My blanket dropped to the ground and I raised my arms to open to the energies of Grandfather Moon. The voice of my Elder Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ was sweet in my ear as we shared the beautiful pray of Grandfather Moon.  This is my way honor to Grandfather Moon, to celebrate the gift of the cycle of the Moon.

Be Well
"We are all one together"
Rev. Marylois

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Posting today 1 18 2011

1 18 2011
Posting today:

Woke up this morning, (or I would not be writing this blog).  It has been 3 days since I posted my blog.  I am deciding the best way to get this done.  I could go to McDonalds where they have free WiFi, or to one of the dozen or so coffee shops within 10 min., of the house.  The last couple of days the issue is Doris, whom I am staying with for a few days because she has been very weak and worshiping the porcelain god, bad reaction to food. I am determined that I will get on line today and post.
I have already put this in to motion because before I went to sleep last night I wrote how my day would go. (It’s called scripting your day.) This is what I wrote. Doris would be feeling better and I would have a couple of hours to go out and get my postings done, along with a whole lot of other work around the house.

When I called Doris to come out for a little tea and toast this morning she was feeling a whole lot better.  Then the phone rang, it was her gentleman friend who wants to bring soup over and have lunch with her. I will leave them alone to enjoy each others company and he will stay with her until I return.

This is a wonderful example for me of how my Elder Pa’Ris’Ha has shared for many years to be in cause of your own life one need only script there life.  Then get out of the way and let it happen.  OR at least that is how I heard itJ.

Yep I am going to post today. 

Be well
“We are one together”
Rev Marylois

No mare excuses

No more excuses.

I wrote three days of blogs to be posted the last three days.  I told myself each day.  I did not have to write because there is no internet where I am.  Then I remember the book Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha had suggested that we study “Excuses Be Gone” By Wayne Dryer.  I have given my word to me that I would wrote this blog everyday.  So, with that in mind I wrote three blogs in my journal and posted them in word document and when I get to internet service I will post one each day with the new post.

Now I don’t have an excuse for not posting.  It’s on my computer and in my journal.  You know it is a peaceful place to be when you are being your word and not making excuses. J

No more excuse is simple the fast way to freedom.

Be Well
Rev. Marylois

Never alone

I am never alone.

Today ends the retreat I have had for the last several days.  Me and the cats, I am house sitting for, have enjoyed every moment of our solitude.  There was an associational phone call.  But then our phone went silent.   I spent endless hours setting out on the enclosed pouched that is surrounded by bushes and trees.
Not once did either one of the cats complain about the natural state I was in.  All though they where not allowed to set on my lap because their kneading of my flash was a little painful.  I love that these beautiful being are free to come and go as they please.
Today as I prepare to journey on my way I sat for awhile and thought over solitude I had been in.  Walking by the bushes I gave them thanks for being with me. The trees for the gifts of fruit they had provided.  The wind and the rain for carrying so may messages.  Even the ice that had formed in the lid of a trash can for the crystal reflection that shined from the refracted light.  This beautiful structure I sleep in and the warmth and comfort it provided.
Then my inner core began it’s giggle.  Solitude what is solitude have you ever word cleared solitude. Not really I have always thought it to mean being alone.  As I am giggling I hear Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ say to me You have never been alone you have always been with us.  OK, so now it’s time to word clear solitude.

When I went to the dictionary on line it gave three definitions:  1. state of being alone, separated from other people.  2. remoteness, a quality of quiet remoteness or seclusion in places from which human activity is generally absent.  3. lonely place, a remote or uninhabited place.

I decide that my personal definition for solitude: 1. a place I go to be still and full contacted to source. It can be in nature, or in my bedroom, or a place that is with in.  I am not alone but more aware of the connection to every thing that I am present to.  2. being more intoned and open to the Giver of All.  3. being still and know I AM ONE. 

Be well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Phone number

After writing about solitude yesterday I got a big giggle when I was doing some numerology on my phone number.
Everyday I make it a point to remember something new.  This is a way of continuing my growth and development.  I have heard my beloved Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ share her teaching and this is my way of sharing mine.

  This is what was written about my number which is a seven.
By Blair Gorman
7 seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence which it had never questioned to this point. Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the 7 feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own. This is not a fantastic energy for a high visibility business or practice, but it is suited to professions where discerning contact is desired. This phone will not be ringing off the hook with constant calls, and visits to the 7 office will be rare but meaningful. The person with the 7 phone will be contacted with questions, because the caller knows you have the answers they seek.
Keywords: quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical, mystical.

I enjoy the synchronicity of the events of my life. I know that ever thing is a code and numbers are a part of the code.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


"just maintain your pratices, keep deligent service, be kind, forget not just forgive, and walk your talk.” Pa’Ris’Ha’

“Once you start to teach you must live what you are teaching” Maya Angelou.

“Simplicity is the key that opens the door.  The teacher must know and live what they know in order for others to take the step and carry on the knowledge shared with them.” Rev. Marylois R. Schott.

Reflecting back I see the keys that open the door for many students.  Today those things I live everyday and shared with passion still radiate from the students and they share with others even me.
Practice makes perfect I had told my son when he was a child.  The other day he said to me Mom, practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice make perfect. I said fake it till you make it!  We began to I giggle and ended with an embrace.

Every thing in life is a circle and the student shares with the teacher.

“We are all one together”
Be Well
Rev. Marylois

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Being my word

Being my word.

I have made many contracts with my self.  Each and every day about 50 or sixty,no more like hundreds that I am conscious of and probable millions that I do unconsciously. 

Right at this moment in time I am aware of many conversations that have taken place over the years about being your word.

Both Oprah Winfrey and my Elder Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ have said that you are your word.  I watch them both because in them I see them live their life as their word.  They speak and it is so. 

The vision that came to me as I am contemplating being my word is what I call the graph of Integrity.  I took a course in Self Expression and Leadership this Summer and they used the graph. 

Every moment of every day our integrity can fluxes   Where your comfort zone?  When we are out of integrity all it takes is cleaning it up.  
That’s what I did this morning.  I have given my word to several people that I would post my photos of the journeys I have been on this year.  Till this morning my integrity level was down quite a pit.  Now it has jumped up by at least 20%.  Best of all I cleaned up my word.

It goes like this  Integrity starts at 100% and  then moves down.  I do it on graph paper.

Where is your  integrity and at what point do you clean it up




Completed Integrity  100%

Integrity 50%


not started

Be Well
"We are one together"
Rev. Marylois
