Monday, December 27, 2010

On the road again.

The excitement was build as I picked out the clothes I would take with me.  This time there would be an extra suitcase to hold my heavy winter clothes.  The Kentucky temperature was to hover in the 20 degree Fahrenheit area a week.  I have never been to Kentucky.  The cabin by the creek in winter time seams like a dream I had as a child.

It was a great beginning to this wonderful trip I am on.  The cozy little cabin, with a porch looking over the creek.  I am asking for a fire place to set my ideal seen.  Two days in the woods surrounded by nature.  Then off to Asheville and the Tantra Center. 

Thus begins my adventure and I am taking you all along. Besides dates when I have agreed to be in any one location I have open this journey to what ever comes.  Like it was when traveling with Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha across country.  We knew when we left and when we had to be there the rest was in Spite's hands guided by Grandma.

I' ll add more latter

"We are all one together"
Rev. Marylois

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