Friday, December 24, 2010

Mars in Retrograde

One of those days.

I woke up and tripped over a chair that’s as big as me.  So I sat in it and laughed. 

I jumped in the show and forgot to bring my shampoo in with me.  I smiled and froze a little when I stepped out to get it.

I cleaned out my purse and could not find my driver license.  But still I was smiling.

As I dug through my car and ever stitch of clothing I ware the last few days I was still in good humor. 

Then I started getting upset and I need to change how I was being.

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha has said be still and listen.

I sat in the chair I tripped over this morning and began deep breathing I remembered the look and the texture of my license. Then I asked the question.  Where is my driver license?

When I open my eyes again I was very peaceful.  In the stillness I was in I saw the movement of taking my license out of my wallet and placing it on the set of the car then it falling into a food bag in front of the seat.  When I got home I throw the bag away and so my license.

Well I had my peace back and now I need to plan for the trip to the DMV to get a new one.

Oh ya, I open my astrology reading for today and it said that Mars was in Retrograde and to day would be a day of upset for me. 

Here’s the truth I get to chose what upsets me and I get to chose to change it. 

“We are all one together.
Rev. Marylois R. Schott

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