Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Mothers Birthday
My Mothers Birthday

Today the words of my Cherokee Elder Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha" echo strongly in my being: "Once we stand heart to heart, I live in you and you live in me, this is the gift of remembering."

I celebrate one of the most impotent days of my life on Dec. 11th, the birth of my mother in 1933.  She is ever where everyday for me.  In the breeze that kisses my cheek I feel my mother hands caress my face.  In the eyes that look at me from the mirror I see the twinkling of joy mom shared with me. In each of my children, grandchildren and great grand children the remembrance of her is in there action. 

My mom was a giant of a woman, in this ones eye.  She stood 5'11 and as a child in her shadow I felt the protection of her love. When I grew to be a woman the connection was even stronger.  If she sneezed in Florida I picked up the phone in Upstate New York to see if she needed anything. We were able to talk openly with one another.  Our instincts where always right about each other.

My eyes are filled with tears as the emotions of this day fill ever core of who I am.  These are not tears of sorrow, oh no.  I have filled with so much love and gratitude for Virginia Astel Goodell that my eyes are releasing to allow for more joy and thanksgiving to share with all.

In 18 days I will celebrate the day of my mother’s next birth, Dec 29 1997, with as many tears of joy as today.  I remember that before she died she went blind.  When we spoke of this she said her greatest sorrow was in not being able to see the smile on my face.  Now my beloved mother sees me smile and nothing hinders her view.

One of the great gifts we shared was to be there.  She was there as I took my first breath in this life time.  And I was there when she took her last.  Always we are together sharing and spreading the love and joy of mother and daughter.

I remember my mom, Marylois Ruth Kelsey

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