Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gettin it right!!

Getting It Right

This is my first blog.  For over a year the goal of blogging was set.  I set a date. I wrote it down.  I thought about it, a lot.  Every time I would start to take action I would stop because:  it would take to long, I did not know what I was doing, I could do it later, others do it so well I would look silly in my writing. Yep that was it, I set myself up to make sure I look good. I had to get it right.

Going on line and reading the wonderful article that my friends wrote made me want to write too.  I keep reading every one's blogs and was touched, moved and inspired to read more.  I  added this to the list of excuse.  All the articles I read where what I wanted to say and I enjoyed them.  Now I had to come up with some thing different and I had to get ever word just right. These article are so well articulated, spelling, grammar, and flow they wrote with such ease.  How was I ever going to get it right?

This Morin getting it right appeared again.  I was reading an Email from Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha. In a simple question where are you? I heard a very silly answer, trying to get it right.  Almost instantaneously I could feel Grandmother eyes sparking with laughter and I was giggling out loud.  My thought was really, getting it right, really?  When I stopped giggling I pulled out my blue pen made a great big wheel on a piece of blank paper and filled it in with my action for my blog. Then I started taking each action. 

I am still setting here with a great big grin on my face.  From the moment I typed blog into my search engine to completing this first blog has taken 15min.  OMG! I got out of my head and took the right action that where laid out and that quick I got it right! 

Thank you Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha for the constant encouragement of your warm heart and beautiful smile.

Getting it right :-)
Rev. Marylois R. Schott

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