Monday, April 25, 2011

Celebration of 33 years

Celebration of 33 years.

To day is Raymond’s birthday. Thirty-three years ago this morning I was rush to the hospital. Will drove our 1968 Pontiac Firebird to the hospital praying every stop along the way we would reach the hospital before the baby crowned. One hand on the wheel the other was being crushed with every contraction that where coming closer and closer.
He pulled into the emergency room entrance and I tried to get out. Could not stand. He grab a wheel chair and placed me in it. By the time he parked the car and got inside I was being wheel up to delivery.
Back then they still shave you as part of delivery. Well they started and the nurse yelled she is crowning. I had been given a shag hair cut in an area only the Doctors and nurse would be able to see.
As they wheeled me into the delivery room the sun was just cresting over the window ledge. It was a nature child birth and the pain was intense. I focused on the beams as the filled the delivery room. I was lost in the beams of the Sun. The baby came so quickly that the Doctor did not get there. Amanda the lead nurse shouted commands to me. Push, hold, PUSH! At 7:02am on April 25 1978 Amanda caught my 9lb. 15oz. Premature baby boy as he fell out. When they laid him on my stomach I was filled with a love that is describable. This bloody little being held my heart.
Amanda asked me if I had a name yet. I said that we had not chosen one yet. I asked her name and rolled over and the sun was again filling my eyes. The Rays where so bright I was warmed inside and out. The same way I felt when my son was laid on my tummy.
I turned to Amanda. His name is Raymond. He is named after the sun and you. He is a bright spot in my life and his name will always remind me of this.
I celebrate you my son on this your 33 year.

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