Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who the ----is that?

Who the _____is that!!!!?

Wow, I woke up this morning, did my practices and ran to the bathroom to relieve myself. As I raised my self up and looked in the mirror I did not recognize the being looking back at me. Truly Grandmother this was an alien! Her face was as round as a ball and there where little slits where her almond shaped eyes us to be. Her nose was smashed flat and raw underneath from all the blowing during the night. Oh wait, I recognize this one. This is the head cold, nasal blowing, and bronchitis being of my past come to revisit. I looked her in the eyes and said thank you I know that I let myself down and my emotional state needs to release the crap of the last couple of months but lets be gentle with Marylois. She is in reconstruction mode and we need to support her.
I started giggling I truly did look a mess. . So what do you do when every inch of you body needs help? Start with the hardest part first. Just like in the book “Eat That Frog” . If you could see my hair well the butt length braid look like someone had teased it then braided it and I had slept on it all night. The knots where everywhere. That’s where I started. With every tangle I worked with I wanted to scream. I felt like _____and this could not possible help. Instead of screaming I started saying kind words like I love you, it’s alright, it’s getting better. And when I was done brushing my hair my head felt 10lbs lighter and so did I. The alien in the mirror looked a little more like me too!
One step at a time I could hear in my Elders words. You are loved Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha would say to me. Today I keep listen for these words as I climb back up out of my petty hole.
The green phylum I was spitting up from my chest told me I need a little extra help. I called the Dr. to make an appointment, I knew I needed to stay at a higher level. The receptionist said that the Dr. was booked. What was the matter with me? I told her I had the creepy crud, she laugh and told me to be there at 11Am. I have reached out to the universe and told it I am Health, Wealth and Happy. Now I accept the help that it sends my way by getting out of my way and allowing.
To the being in the mirror all I have to say is I know who the ___you are and I love you.

Be Well
Rev. Marylois

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