Monday, February 7, 2011

Communication Course

Yesterday I finished the weekend communication course. It is not a course you want to take if you do not want change.

From the min. the class began I was in a break down. My usual mode of operation for when things get difficult or my being is challenged. It is to run for the hills and hide.
This is a repeat action for me it shows up in ever area of my life.
When I was in Az. for a gathering of Bodhisattvas, I went into my fear factor and started to run. I asked to leave and started to pack then I changed my mind. I asked to stay. The group voted no I needed to leave. My Elder Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ took a stand for me. She stood that I got to be who I am no mater how crazy my action are. This was a huge opening for me. She gave me access to apart of my life I had refused to look at. I stayed and complete that wonderful weekend and my life has never been the same.
This weekend I walked into this communication course with a new listening from the stand that Grandmother took for me.
I walked out of this course with even more access to being me. In the past the conversation I have had are all filter through my mind child (the voices in my head). This voice says it does not mater how much I do I will never be enough. Also I can never be safe. It shows up looking like I don’t have to give all I am because I will never be enough anyway. It shows up as run because you are not safe where you are so I move a lot. Yesterday I giggled about this because I got a clear picture of how far away I have stood from trying to be fully in service to others. I got how small I have played in my life. Knowing makes no difference.
This weekend I got that being present means allowing the filter to be cleaned and knowing that stuff is going to keep coming up but I am safe and I am as God is. I am perfect and whole. This is the knowing and without action it means nothing. Each time it rears it heads it is my choose to be present in the plugged filter or clean the filter and breathe. I choose to stand and be present in the moment to be As GOD IS.
The greatest gift in the circle of life is that when I stand in the powerful being I am I bring respect to my Elder, the reflection of who I am, and from there others get to be fully present in who they are.
There is no more time to play small and today I hear that! It is a part of my very being. This means nothing if I do not move MEST to share it with others. I give great appreciation to the one that is us all as we dance in this Earth Keeper form.
I ask that you all stand in my possibility for we are all one together. You are my reflection as I am yours.

Be Well
“We are all one together”
Rev. Marylois

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