Friday, January 20, 2012

Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon New Moon is a time for New begins. Every thing from Full Moon to New Moon has laid the foundation for what we want in the this phase of the Moon. As Grandfather rotates to full once again each night more exposure of the Moons energy is visual to us here on Ela. The symbology is Extraordinary Through the 28day cycle it is a visual example of what is possible for us. Even on the day we can not see the Moon it is still there. New Moon is the fullness of the dark side of the Moon and Full Moon is the fullness of the bright side of the Moon. And the betwinks is the rotating from one phase to the other. These phases are called waxing new to full, waning full to new From as far back as I can remember planting of crops where done by the phases of the Moon. We knew that during the wining of the Moon Full to new you , planed the work to do the planting preparing the soil, weeded, laying out the rows husking the corn for seed, Then at New Moon you planted. This time allows for the seeds to be nurtured by the power that the waxing of the Moon brought forth. We always harvest during the Full Moon phase so that the energy was still at its peek. This knowledge of the phase of the Moon when applied to our life cycle works the same way. We have the waning of the Moon to bring forth our ideals and plan for changes to put into place during the Full Moon. At new moon we work the plan and see the fruitions of our work. Simple put I hear the voices of many modern teacher like Oprah, Deepak, and my Elder Grandmother Pa’Ris’ha’ along with the voices of the Ancients. Plan your work and work your plan. The phrases of the moon give us a cycle to do this.

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