Saturday, January 21, 2012

Moon phase 1 20 2012 I dropped my son Ray off at 6:35am. As I rounded the cul-de-sac the silvery sliver of Grandfather Moon lay in front of my car. I giggled with excitement. Tomorrow when I look haven ward I may only see what looks like the dullest outline of Grandfather for it is New Moon. This is only a perception New moon is the dark side of the moon at its fullest. What I notice most is the position the Grandfather is in. During the full moon cycle Grandfather was position in front of the car all the way home Now, not more then 13days later it is in the rear of the car as I drive home. So I watch it all the while I am taking Ray to work. The reason that this position intrigues me is because Nunda,(Sun) is coming up over the horizon. All most in a parallel position. They are dance the dance of life. The distance in between is perceived . The energy in between is felt. And so what. What do you do with that kind of knowledge? Weather it be a perceived reality or not, knowing means nothing. It’s the action we take with our perception that maters. I am shearing my perception with my blogging community. Why? Because I chose to! Check out Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha’ talks on: She will be speaking twice a month on full moon and new moon on Eagles wings radio. "We are on together" U'no'le A'tso'ta's di Winds talker

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