Sunday, May 8, 2011

Every Moment of every day is a new beginning

Every moment of every day is a new beginning.

I am studying the Tao. To do this I am reading and listening to Wayne Dyers book: “Change your thought change your mind”. I listen and read it every day some time several times. It is never the same. Even if in the recording, the words, do not change how I am listening does.

In quantum physics this is an example of how when we observe something it changes what we are observing. While walking around with the Ipod stuck in my ear I could be doing many different things and this changes my listening. A new being in how I am hearing the same words. Even after listening to this book 100’s of times I can still marvel at how I hear a verse or a phrase for what seams the first time. The observer self is changing how I am listening and this is my new beginning with the same material.

When I apply this to my day I see this happening all the time, with what I eat, who I am talking to, what clothes I wear, or the tree in the front yard. Even, celebrating this Mothers day, same holiday it’s been since I was a child but every year it is completely different. When I was small we celebrated with my grandmother, then with my mother to day their physical being is not present but their spirit is. Today, I celebrate all woman everyday not just on this holiday. A new celebration that expands and is what ever I observe it to be.

Some of the woman who have giving the gifts of new beginning: Mary Goodell, Virgina Kelsey, Lois Kelsey, Doris Ahl, June Grice, Betty Kelsey, Rhea Jones, Mary Schott, Berience Andrew, Deniss Taylor. Sonom, Pa'Ris'Ha Taylor, Evelyn Yallanda, Zilima Hosien, Rose Wagner, Doris Meditz, And I could go on for days. Thank you one and all!

Be well

“We are one together”

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